MOTUL Direct Injector Cleaner

We use this MOTUL injector cleaner on our Direct Injected Turbo Hondas. Keep those Bosch and XDI injectors flowing tip top using this cleaner every 6 Months. We have had good sucess with it and decided to launch it on our website.
MOTUL INJECTOR CLEANER GASOLINE is a curative additive designed to be used in all types of gasoline engine with injection or carburettor, naturally aspirated or turbocharged, with or without catalytic converter, using all kind of gasoline fuels, leaded or unleaded, LPG, Ethanol and biofuels.
INJECTOR CLEANER GASOLINE is a gasoline additive compatible with E10 fuels (Ethanol 10%).
MOTUL INJECTOR CLEANER GASOLINE effectively cleans dirtying and clogging which appear in the whole fuel system:
injector nozzle fouling
condensation in the fuel system
gumming in the injector or carburetor
dirtying of combustion chambers and inlet valves
MOTUL INJECTOR CLEANER GASOLINE provides a perfect lubrication during cleaning process and prevents removed micro-particles from depositing.